Types of PostgreSQL Change Data Capture

PostgreSQL is one of the most common open-source relational databases and is preferred as a platform for use cases ranging from data warehouses and analytics to OLTP workloads. However, often,time-bound reporting needs do not match the hourly or daily batch sync between these databases. The most optimized solution, in this case, is to have continuous sync with Change Data Capture, a software design pattern that tracks and monitors changes made to a database so that the required action can be taken on them.

There are several benefits of the PostgreSQL ChangeData Capture.

It keeps data warehouses and other downstream systems in sync with PostgreSQL by capturing changes in real time. Next, PostgreSQL Change Data Capture reduces the load on PostgreSQL since only the relevant changes are processed. Finally, efficient implementation is ensured of use cases that require access to changes made in PostgreSQL without modifying the application code.

Types of PostgreSQL Change Data Capture

Trigger-based PostgreSQL CDC

Here, changes such as Insert, Delete, and Update are identified and for each change, insert one row into a changing table, thereby building a changelog. This method stores event that is captured inside PostgreSQL only.

Query-based PostgreSQL CDC

This is useful when the schema of the tracked database has a timestamp column and PostgreSQL Change Data Capture has to be recurringly queried using that column.

Logical Replication-based PostgreSQL Change Data Capture

In this type, changes to the configuration file are done through logical replication that is implemented by a decoding plugin automatically. For PostgreSQL versions older than 10, it has to be done manually.

These are the types of PostgreSQL Change Data Capture


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