The Functioning of the Amazon Database Migration Service

AmazonDMS (Database Migration Service) is an optimized cloud-based service that facilitates the migration of data between various types of source and target databases. These include on-premises servers to the cloud, one cloud provider to another, and between relational databases, data warehouses, NoSQL databases, and more.

Using this service, organizations can either choose a single snapshot data migration or continuous movement of data between the source and the target databases provided both are continually kept in sync. 

For data migration to function optimally with Amazon DMS, there are two pre-conditions that have to be fulfilled. The first is that a link has to be made between the source and the target database so that the software knows from where the data has to be moved and to which data storage repository. Once this step is done, select the activity that will load the data from the source to the target. After these steps are defined, Amazon DMS automatically initiates the movement of data.

You have three choices for database migration with Amazon DMS.

In the first instance, both the source and the target databases are shut down and the full data is migrated between the two points in one go.

The second choice is keeping both the source and the target database in sync so that after the full load migration is completed as in the first instance, changes or incremental data in the source databases are also moved so that the target database is always updated.

The third option is CDC where changes made only at the source are moved to the target.

Users have to choose on for using Amazon DMS to migrate databases.          


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